This room where I encountered these detransitioned took place in Manchester, England, in November 2019. When we arrived a man, who works his living in the Gender Industrial Complex, was sat behind me. This was Dr Lorimer. He has a presence on Tumblr, a site frequented by lots of teenagers, and is open about his motivations for being involved. It’s not altruism, it’s money. ££££
On social media he posts fan pics of Susie Green, of trans lobby group Mermaids. I think Dr Lorimer is a gay man. Do none of the adult gay men, profiteering from the broken bodies of our gay youth, wonder if this could have been them?
Dr Lorimer scarpered to the other side of the room after I began a loud conversation about the ghouls doing this to our gay sons and daughters.
{The meeting was covered by Helen Joyce for standpoint magazine. You can read that account here: Female Eunuchs.}
Many of the people in that room were parents, like me, desperately afraid for our gay sons and daughters heading down the same path. Some of our kids were already medicalising and they are as certain about their path, in their teens, as these young women were, until they weren’t.
There were lots of tears, in the audience (sobbing, in fact) as the young women told their stories, but they were extremely dignified and our distress was tempered by a huge admiration for their courage and composure. They recounted similar back stories, being lesbian, hating the objectification of their sex, a history of eating disorders and being caught up in a social contagion. One “transitioned” with her best friend. At the heart of this story are the reckless medical professionals. The bravery of these young women to speak publicly about the medical consequences of youthful mistakes was deeply humbling.
I will never forget the taxi driver who had brought some fares to the meeting and, horrified at what he was hearing, asked if he could attend himself. There was something deeply moving about watching this big, burly man, voice breaking, visibly horrified at what society had allowed to happen to these young women.
Like many of us in that room I thought detransitioners, speaking publicly, would be the end of this madness, or at least the beginning of the end. In reality I don’t think it even stopped Dr Lorimer who is still touting his wares and mining profit from youthful insecurity.
2 years later. Dispatches from the front line:
These are stories shared on the detrans forum on reddit. You can access this here: detrans forum
The forum covers motivations for transitioning and detransitioning. Many express deep regret about the medical consequences of taking testosterone and unnecessary double mastectomies. It is common to see posts like this and the contrast with YouTubers celebrating their “top surgeries” scars ‘n’ all, could not be more stark. There is a tonne of disinformation spewed out by YouTube influencers, who are trapped by their endless performance of an opposite sex identity, for money.
This post 👇 echoes some of the comments of male detransitioners who also bought into the idea of having an opposite sex brain. The theme of escapism recurs, rather than engaging with reality or their real issues they concretise a fleeting obsession, carving it into their flesh. The rationalisations for behaviours that retain the imprint of their biology/female socialisation is all just to keep the show on the road. If they behave in ways associated with women they are just feminine gay guys!
There’s no way we are all “trans”.
Yet another post which highlights the social contagion happening in this “movement”. A friendship group where nobody identifies as a boring old cis women? How likely is that?
Below a thoughtful therapist saves a lifetime on cross-sex hormones and unnecessary surgeries just by encouraging their client to reflect on her underlying issues. Co-morbidities are common in the detransitioned group. Clinicians ignoring red flags because of the “affirmative” model of care is medical malfeasance on a scale I don’t think I have witnessed in my lifetime.
Another detransitioner concurring that they were not mentally well during their transition. “ I was completely insane”!
Below a detransitioner relates her feelings, post mastectomy, to the amputees who develop “phantom limb syndrome” ; still sensing the presence of a missing limb. Teenagers don’t think of breasts in terms of their natural function. They are sexual sweet meats, for males, and beginning to develop breasts can be a difficult time for many/most young women. This post also recounts the fear of reactions which blame detransitioners, because they “wanted this” rather than the clinicians doing this to them.
Lack of female role models and rebelling against regressive sex stereotypes is another common narrative. Treated like a servant the only way she could see a way out was to claim a male identity.
Internalised misogyny is another common theme but it is so nice to see young women discover the joy to be found in the “cool” women out there! Not the self-hating Ellen Pages but women unashamedly embracing their sex, however they express themselves.
I got on testosterone when I was 13
The need to silence this group because they threaten someone’s sense of self or the Gender Industrial Complex, makes it all the more remarkable so many of these young women are speaking up. The “informed consent” model is a confidence trick designed to place liability on the minor /their parents.
The excessive rumination and fixation on the unattainable. 👇. Young women spend enough time being unhappy with our bodies even when we accept our sex. Watching the women desperately wishing they were something they will never be is such a waste of energy. Some things will never change no matter how many male hormones you take or surgeries you have. Harsh, but true.
People confusing personality traits for “gender”
Females are fleeing the hyper-sexualisation, objectification of women, that makes being female feel like a curse…Refugees from womanhood have been badly let down by clinicians telling them they can only escape by opting out of their sex. We lied to a generation of girls.
I am a Lesbian
The rejection of the Lesbian label appears to be much more powerful than males rejecting being labelled gay. Some mention their complete repudiation of being a lesbian after being exposed to lesbian porn. Many first encounter the word lesbian in porn made for heterosexual men. Most people don’t know that this ideology is leading lesbians to identify as gay males!
Being a “queer man was more glamorous”
I first encountered this phenomena on the ChildLine YouTube account. Many of the YouTube influencers chart their journeys through their transition and it is not as uncommon, as it should be, to find two females in a relationship describing themselves as gay men. Some even tried relationships with gay men.
This is all the dark truth hidden under the 🌈. There’s no pot of gold at the end, just disappointment and regret.