I have covered a few court cases on men in women’s prisons. The earliest court case I located shocked me, because it was from 2009. Dr Kate Coleman’s work has revealed this has been going on for a lot longer and the practice inspired her to set up the organisation Keep Prisons Single Sex. You can find their website here:
The issue extends beyond that of which area.of the prison estate. houses “trans-identified” men. It also covers the recording of male crimes as if they were committed by women. KPSS also question the risk assessment process and access to Sex Offender Treatment Programmes (SOTPs).
I covered the 2009 case on my blog in 2019. I will link the original below. It seems timely to revist this case, on my substack, since the Scottish Prison System is getting a lot of media coverage. The media furore is because of a high profile case of a man, (Adam Graham/Isla Bryson) convicted of two rapes, who has now identified as a woman. The picture below, with the protruding penis, is how he attended court. To me, this indicates he knows precisely what he is doing and is making sure his male genitalia is prominent while denying his rape charges. The victims would have seen this!
The first thing to note is that he was held in remand in this woman’s prison; this population include women who have not yet been found guilty of any charge amd may well be found innocent but no woman, even those found guilty, deserves this cruel and unusual punishment. Nicola Sturgeon has now stated he will not be held in Cornton Vale, the women’s prison where he spent his remand. She appeared to choose her words carefully and seemed reluctant to state, unequivocally, that he would not be held in any area with women. There are women held in designated areas within male prisons so, I was immediately suspicious of the phrasing used in the media that he “won’t be held in a female only prison”. Sturgeon seemed to be shying away from saying that he will be held in the male estate? Prisons do have vulnerable person’s units. I would also point out gay son do not get these special privileges. My son would be vulnerable as a gay male but the prison service make no special provision for his sexual orientation. It is also noteworthy that no trans-identified female appears to have been housed in the male estate.
The case of “Karen” Jones
There are a few salient points from the case of Karen Jones. First he was imprisoned for the manslaughter of a male partner. He was pre-operative and in prison when he obtained a Gender Recognition Certificate; the first one granted for a serving prisoner. He remained held in the male estate and was given access to make-up and female clothing. This is how the prison service judge being a “woman”
What he couldn’t do was qualify for sexual reassignment surgery, according to those supporting his case, because living in a male prison did not qualify as “real life experience” (R.L.E); that is “living as a woman”. Jones himself raised the absurdity of this situation. I agree it is ridiculous but for different reasons.
What RLE actually means is that a man has to use female spaces and prove he is accepted as a woman, by women. This expectation on the female sex is made very clear later in the court case.
Jones was eventually released on licence, to a female bail hostel, but after only five days he was recalled for perpetrating a vicious attempted rape, of a female. This is how that offence was minimised during the court case. He was frustrated and jealous of the woman! Spurr seems to think this makes the offence less heinous, not more.
This is one of the factors mentioned in relation to the misogyny of men who fetishise being women.
This is one of the statements included about the assessment of the parole board on Jones. It was felt too dangerous to release him on the grounds of a “risk to life and limb”. He also seemed to have failed to engage in attempts to address his offending behaviour and had bad attitudes to “violence…weapons and sex offending”.
There were some dissenting assessments including this one
In response to fears of how female prisoners would react to his presence this was the opinion of Dr James Barrett who was a specialist in this field having worked at “Gender” clinics. He dismissed this and placed the blame on “the sort of women who enjoy conflict”.
If all this wasn’t bad enough the clear priority of this man’s needs was not only ranked above women they were also described as “therapeutic. aids” for this prisoner. It was these arguments that prevailed. He needed to mix with the women to validate his belief he was a “woman”.
“Karen” Jones was subsequently invited to the House of Lords, by Lord Patel, to advise them on “transgender” prisoners.
Karen also boasts about his training on LGBTI issues in the Prison system.
Jones seems to be keeping up with the modern “trans” debate. Here he is calling Lesbians “terfs”.
This piece wouldn’t be complete without including the admission of James Morton (trans-identified female) that the inclusion of men in women’s prison was part of a strategy. The thinking was if you can get society to accept it in prison it would be easier to infect the rest of society with this magical thinking. And boy have they done it. From the book Trans Britain by “Christine” Burns.
My original blog is here:
How long has this been going on?
There are other egregious quotes which show the utter contempt in which the needs of women, especially prisoners, were utterly overlooked by the men making these decisions.
You can the full court transcript here:
You can also find many other articles about these court cases on my blog as well as a series on some research, funded by Scottish Prison Service, on the experiment of putting “trans-identified” males, men, in women’s prisons.
Tish is the absolute best. If you can afford to, please also join her paid subscriber list. While my cross-dressing ex-husband "merely" committed financial fraud twice in court to skip child support, and isn't a violent cross-sex ideating man, he's an example of a malignant narcissist. He demanded that I stay with him in a "lesbian" marriage. (same sex marriage was not legal at the time, I first thought I was entitled to annulment) There are many, many threads of deceit in this "identity." The violent crimes by Dana Rivers, Karen White, David McCallum (a former twitter employee) and the rest have been suppressed from reportage, and minimized as "marginal." The "affirming therapists" must see this slice of the "trans" pie as exactly that--a slice of the "trans" pie.