‘ I think there is a realistic prospect that my son will decide to cut ties in the future. I steel myself for this outcome. What stiffens my resolve is imagining how much worse I would feel if my child had surgeries and came to regret them. The guilt in supporting him on this path would be unbearable. I hope it does not come to that point.’

Agree. I had to make a similar choice (in a different situation) and held firm. He came back eventually. Your son will also come back. So watchful waiting it is. I just hope, for his sake, he comes back healthy. I am so sorry you are in this situation.

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They are vile. You are right about everything.

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Your son may not appreciate this now, but he is lucky to have you as his mother. I cannot understand why parents are complicit in actively harming their children. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-parents

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I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this barrage of rabid hate. You don’t deserve it. You are correct and loving, and they see your son as a weapon in their ideological war.

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This is all so repulsive, and a large part of why I avoid X. How incredibly messed up do you have to be to act this ugly to anyone, let alone a stranger — a mother who clearly loves her son. I'd like to hope, as you do, that it's reality hitting these people in the face over and over and over, but it's hard to remain hopeful about anything if you're stuck in this nightmare world. Trans ideology is so patently incoherent and unsustainable — anyone can see that if they think critically about it for 5 minutes — and yet the believers don't seem to be finding their way out — I'm married to one so I know this first hand. It will take only tremendous tragedy to shake these people out of their stupor, and even then, I suspect there will be parents who encouraged their child's harm, and clinicians who participated in it, and legislators who ignorantly supported it, who will never allow themselves to consider that they did anything this horrific and destructive.

Continue to fight the good fight. May our sons come back to us, whole and healthy.

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Gawd. Most of these people had never heard of "trans", except transvestites and transsexuals (old school), until a few short years ago. It's both fascinating and horrifying to witness this mass psychosis in our societies.

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Jaysus! Parents aren't there just for decoration and/or the ATM machines to fund their child's every wish. What kind of kid is that going to create? Of course kids are always certain of what they want - weren't we all?

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Stay strong. You're an amazing mother for fighting for your son. He'll thank you in the future.

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Meanwhile, the Alexander L YouTube channel and Ritchie Herron's TullipR YouTube channel tell the devastating effects of castration and penis removal. Literally incontinence. Alexander went to Thailand but Ritchie was at the NHS in UK. And the study from "affirming" Dr. Dorte Glinkborg in Denmark (Glinkborg, et al, European Journal of Endocrinology, Vol. 187, issue 3, Univ. Odnese, 2022) tells us, based on 2600 "trans" identifying adults with females avg age 19, males avg age 23, taking wrong sex hormones results in males 93% higher heart disease, blood clots, strokes compared to male controls' health records. Females on T have 63% higher risk of developing same cardiovascular disease. The pushback after the articles in the New York Post and The Telegram has been swift and viscious, but also revealing in how these dudes don't know how to read a study abstract. For my analysis of the pushback:


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Sorry, Odense (typo) and The Telegraph. The brain fog is catching.

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So sorry about this, Tish.

Keep strong. You are great


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You are so amazing. So sorry these gender ghouls harass you so much, but we know they do and this is why we need to stand firm xx every one of their vile attacks shines light on them and that can only be good. Thank you 🙏🏽

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They're so full of hate.

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They cannot, will not, understand the lifetime bond that is forged between a mother and her child.

You are standing up for your son, against their bullying.

Stay strong. Your love is more powerful than their hate.

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I was so moved by this article that I tweeted & shared as widely as I could. Heartbreaking stuff; your quiet strength will stand you in good stead for the future. 🙏

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They are all dumb arseholes who can’t even spell correctly or enunciate. They are brain dead idiots. You are right in every way and should not feel bad for caring about your son. I’m sorry he has been captured by this crazy cult. Stay strong.

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What always amazes me is that these eejits think they have every right to call you out because your child knows better than you, but what they are actually saying is THEY know better than you... The irony is overwhelming! But the day is coming when it will all go t**s up for them and the tears/snot will flow, with nobody running round with the toilet roll and kind words. Stay strong.

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