Nov 28, 2022Liked by @STILLTish

Terrific work.

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by @STILLTish

Brava! I'm allowing myself one sub a month and you won. As the ex-wife (trans widow) of this kind of bloke, I decided to speak out, lost my relationships with my 2 sons, as a result. Their father is a wealthy COO of tech company, lots of influence since 2015. Tish! You matter so much.

Here's a link to short video at my YT channel, Ute Heggen, reading the 1990s words submitted in court in Brooklyn, NY in the 1990s, stating that it was my fault. It is from outside influences, all of it. Money, Hollywood, etc. This link is about the shrink. In another one, I excoriate Randi Weingarten for not consulting her Early Childhood Speciallists.


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Thank you! Ute. I am in a group with the women behind Trans Widow’s voices. Your stories helped me so much and clarified my thoughts on a lot of issues.

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by @STILLTish

I feel that the connections we can reveal about the "therapists" and their arrogance are the most important for the general audience seeking more info on cross-sex ideation. Since I discovered my then husband's diaries 30 years ago, I've had a discomfiting intuition about how extreme the ideology could go. Back then, everyone fell all over themselves to say how rare it is and my sons will not be plagued with these feelings, even the shrinks, even Neddy. Now it's a whole different kettle of clownfish. Thanks for all you do.

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse)

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