Brava to you Tish! This might be a tangent, but I've been using some chiropractic pressure point techniques to relieve stress and deal with (regular old arthritis) chronic pain. I think a program of outside exercise, doing good deeds like your son helping Granny, meditative movement stretching to one's full range of motion and abdominal exercises reconnects mind and body. I know my nephew, now a devoted father, went through an "earrings phase" in college. We never guessed he'd end up taking over his father's business and living a "conventional" lifestyle, married 2 kids, football, children's chorus and attending church services! You are doing the right thing. Come on over to Trans Widow Ute Heggen YouTube channel if you need support, I've got over 1k subs and only excellent comments remain after my inspections! ooxoo, Ute

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And speaking of love winning I’m sending lots your way Tish. Re old sayings, I said to someone the other day about ‘turning on a sixpence’ and then thought, crikey, I don’t even remember using sixpences! I remember what they looked like as my dad kept a few which fascinated me when I was little. The oldies are so important in life - what a beautiful thing that he values them so. My son turned 19 recently and hand wrote thank you cards, as I brought him up to do, to those relatives who sent gifts of money or as one of my oldest friends did, a chocolate pizza. I am proud he knows at 19, they could’ve not bothered. I don’t once 18 strikes - it’s weddings and babies only really for me then. My friend has no idea what a screwed up little head he’s got at the moment but I won’t ever forget her sending him a chocolate pizza. The little things are what will hopefully save them. And feeling they are widely love and cared for…. We can just keep giving the love and can only try our best. Bloody exhausting all this mess. Lots of love and hugs to you.

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You are helping many, especially with detail about how you interact with your son. It's been nearly 4 years, a 16yo daughter who calls Tickle (V Giggle for girls), 'she' and a mexican standoff style 'agree to disagree'. It is not easy so I only respond if it comes up in conversation. She is totally language captured (thanks, school) but at least she stopped drawing anime... Not affirming whilst avoiding triggering her to following an irreversible path as a natural rebellion against dad, will be a long and slow process.

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Hugs! 👆😪🙏💗🤗👍

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